Thursday 7 July 2011

Tips for making a short film

In the lesson today, we watched previous short films that students have created, I noticed both really good aspects and on the other hand, parts which could be improved. All aspects have taught me what to do and what not to do. Here are some tips that I learnt throughout watching the videos which I will carefully acknowledge throughout the research, production and evaluation stages of my products:

  • Use a tripod to keep the shots steady.
  • Make sure sound levels are synchronised with movements etc. By using a microphone, or a similar device.
  • The pace of editing was appropriate for this genre of film.
  • Hand-held cameras - could use 2 cameras to create a homevideo contrast effect.
  • Think carefully about what Institution identity to use, e.g. Working-Title for a British type of film.
  • Consider lighting.
  • Sometimes when creating horror videos, less is more impact.
  • The editing process is extremely important.
  • Rule of thirds is a good technique when filming. 
  • If you are adding titles throughout the film/trailer, think carefully about the words - they could spoil it.

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