Monday 12 September 2011

Focus Group for Target Audience

There are five individuals of different ages and genders who have agreed to be in my focus group, the individuals will be shown my work each step of the way and their feedback will be crucial to the development of my blog. The opinions will be reflected in the final product in an attempt to suit the target audience as best as possible.

As my documentary will be targeted at teenagers who may use the drug quite regularly, I will include young people in my focus group to gain their opinions of a successful documentary. By aiming this documentary at young people, it will hopefully raise awareness about the dangers of cannabis, and how it can affect society as a whole.

Although I have not included adults in the focus group, I shall be showing my work to parents, aunts and uncles to get various adult perspectives as the type of channel that this documentary is likely to be aired on would have an older demographic audience. I imagine that this type of documentary would appeal to parents, therefore it is necessary to demonstrate the dangers of the drug with not simply just colloquial language. Also, an older audience would expect a documentary of this genre to be informative, therefore I feel I must accommodate for this requirement when making the documentary. As a consequence, my target audience will consist of both teenagers and parents.

However, unlike my AS project, I do not have a clearly defined target audience, consisting of a particular age, gender and having particular interests. Therefore, it it essential for my A2 project to simply pitch at anyone of any age who is interested in drug-related documentaries and keen to gain a deeper insight into this social issue.

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