Monday 17 October 2011

Possible Fonts

It is essential for the chosen font of the documentary is suitable for the target audience and genre of the documentary. It would look incredibly unprofessional if the wrong fonts were used, therefore I have selected a few which I find aesthetically pleasing which will be shown to the focus group. Consequently, this will enable me to choose the preferred font, in order to make the documentary as professional as possible.

Font 1
"Ah Carbon!"

Font 2

Font 3
"Media Blackout"

Font 4 

I am going to ask my focus group to gain opinions on which is the most popular font to use on the both the documentary and ancillary texts.

Here, I have created a Pie Chart in Excel to present my results from my focus group. This displays Font 4' proving to be the most popular and 'Font 1' to be the least popular. I have also asked my focus group featured in an earlier post, for their comments and advice regarding all of the various fonts.

Anna Bradford: "I particularly like 'Font 4' as it depicts the topic and provides a specific image which I believe fits this type of documentary regarding cannabis. However, I have noticed that in most documentaries that more simpler and generic fonts are used."

Charlie Fox: "My favourite font is 'Thurston' as it provides an edgy look, which seems like it would suit this documentary."

Alex Trayling: "I think that the fourth font will appropriately fit this type of documentary out of the choices above. As the font will be used on posters and in the documentary, it is essential that the font fits the theme, providing an insight into the documentary to the potential audience. I also believe that a font such as, 'Helvetica' would be ideal for a documentary accompanied by two promotional products."

Kirsty Carswell: "I like the third font as it stands out, and would make a very strong point, however I believe it could only be used as a title, not throughout the documentary to display large amounts of information."

Joe Bell: "I believe 'Font 4' will look the most aesthetically pleasing when featured in this documentary, as it accepts the codes of a documentary of this type. Although, I have noticed that most documentaries on a serious matter acquire a simpler font."

As a consequence, despite 'Font 4' appearing as the most popular font, I have acknowledged the feedback that I received. Three members of the target audience argued that although they prefer 'Font 4', they believe that a simpler font would be more suitable for a drug-based documentary aimed primarily at teenagers and parents. Therefore, I have chosen to use 'Helvetica', a commonly used and widely recognised font across all media products, influenced by Gary Hustwit's documentary on the font. It will appeal to the target audience and conform to the codes and conventions used in popular Channel 4 documentaries and on the ancillary, promotional products.

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