Saturday 17 December 2011

Photos for Ancillary Products

Here are a selection of photos I took which will potentially be featured on both ancillary products. I took a range of different shots with various backgrounds, in order to obtain the most professional shots to represent the topic of cannabis that I am exploring.

Thursday 15 December 2011


In today's lesson, in order to use anchorage to reinforce the message during the interview, I have inserted a text box with a black background. Although this appears to be simple, it conforms to the codes and conventions of an expository documentary, providing factual information. In order to complete this task, I had to detach the audio clip from the video clip, so therefore the text can appear whilst the interview is occurring. 

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Interview with the Doctor

As I felt that my documentary needed to present more of a balanced argument between both the negative effects and apparent benefits of cannabis use, I decided to interview a doctor to gain his views on the medicinal use of cannabis. Below are the questions that I used during the interview. Although I have only used two of the questions in the documentary excerpt, by asking more questions, this enabled me to gain a deeper insight into medicinal cannabis.

Monday 12 December 2011


During today's lesson I have continued the editing process on iMovie and using the "fade in" and "fade out" tools, I have been able to make the statistics appear on the screen consecutively. In addition, the statistics do not appear sharp and blunt, which would defeat the purpose, therefore not allowing the audience to read the information. Below demonstrates the process and final outcome:

"Fade in" and "Fade out" tools.

I hope the final outcome of using these specific tools has contributed to my documentary looking as professional and conforming to the codes and conventions typically seen on television.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Documentary Locations

During the planning stages of creating the five minute excerpt of a documentary, I think it is necessary to decide on the locations which would be included in the product. I have created a presentation on Prezi which shows the various locations in which I hope to film. I have chosen the particular locations for specific reasons, for example, young people (the common users of cannabis) are more likely to be found in places such as, Brick Lane, London (which will be shown in the documentary). Also, I am going to include an interview with a doctor, therefore the documentary will show both inside and outside the surgery. This will therefore conform to the audience's stereotypical view of a documentary presenting professional opinions. Using Google Maps, I have illustrated the locations I have planned to use.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


In order to remove the silence at the start of the song, I have used the 'clip trimmer' to edit the song to my requirements.

During today's lesson, I have 'faded out' the Joy Division music in order to 'fade in' the next clip of music. This will enable the documentary to appear much more professional and sound more aesthetically pleasing.

Monday 5 December 2011


In today's lesson, I have increased the speed of certain snippets I wish to include in my final documentary. The image below demonstrates the process I undertook to reach the final outcome, which I hope will consequently fit the particular style and genre of my documentary.

Below, illustrates the editing process of a certain clip as I wanted to make the various clips flow more thoroughly. Therefore, by using the "fade in" tool, this has allowed me to generate the desired effect.