Wednesday 4 January 2012

Reviewing the Documentary

After showing members of my target audience my documentary, there were still a large number of improvements to implement. These additions and enhancements are listed below:

  • Include an introduction - in order to give a deeper insight into what the documentary is about

  • Change the font and positioning of title "Cannabis: A Double Edged Sword"

  • Separate the interview with the policeman to provide a brief insight into the young people section which relates to the topic that the policeman is talking about.

  • Include the documentary-maker when interviewing policeman.

  • Include more information regarding the apparent benefits of using cannabis for medicinal purposes. This influenced my product, and I therefore interviewed a doctor to gain a more balanced argument regarding the topic.

  • Change the font for statistics and put on a plain black background in order to keep the audiences' focus on the information being given.

All of this feedback has contributed in making my final product look more appealing to the target audience.

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