Sunday 19 February 2012

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

I posted my questionnaire on social networking site, "Twitter" in order to gain audience feedback for each of my products from a wide audience. 

 The link below will take you to the results of my questionnaire. The results show that 20 people completed the questionnaire ranging from 15-61+ years of age, which has enabled me to gain feedback from a range of perspectives. This type of feedback is effective especially as the target audience for my documentary is both teenagers and parents.

The results show that: 
Documentary Excerpt
  • All of the 25 respondents would watch the full-length documentary, demonstrating that the excerpt fulfils the purpose of creating enigma during the first 5 minutes.
  • The vast majority of respondents believe that the documentary would be the most suitable on Channel 4, which is the distribution company I have orginally chosen.
  • Most respondents answered that they could see the documentary being shown at 9pm, some suggested 8:30pm and 10pm. However, all of the answers reinforce that the documentary is not aimed at young children, as it is being aired after the watershed.
  • It is evident that all of the respondents believe that the documentary excerpt presents a balanced argument, which was the aim, challenging the conventions of typical documentaries of that topic. 
  • The main product succeeds in resembling a real media text, reinforcing the audience feedback that all three products appear "professional".
  • The different types of music and interviews with the professionals are the most popular aspects featured in my documentary, which are two fundamental codes used in generic documentaries.
Newspaper Advertisement
  • This ancillary text succeeds in enticing the audience into wanting to know more and watching the documentary. This is a successful result as the purpose of the newspaper advertisement was to encourage a wide viewership.
  • Most respondents agreed that the dominant image was their favourite aspect of the advertisement, which encouraged them to want to watch the documentary.
  • 'The Metro', 'The Guardian' and 'The Independent' were the most popular choices of newspaper, as the audience are more likely to read these types of broadsheets and tabloids.
  • All respondents agreed that this ancillary text does remind them of a real media product, conforming to the "professional" ideology.
Double Page Spread for TV Guide
  • According to the 25 respondents, the ancillary text does succeed in enticing the audience into watching the documentary, which is the primary aim for this type of media text.
  • The most popular aspects of the double page spread were the star rating and the image, which are two features aimed to inform and encourage readers about the documentary. If the double page spread did not include the featured article with "5 star", then it may not create a wide viewership.
  • All of the respondents say that the article informs the audience about the documentary. Arguably, this answers any questions and leaves a sense of enigma encouraging the audience into watching the documentary.
  • The product succeeds in appearing as a real media text.
In conclusion
  • From the 25 respondents, it is argued that the ancillary texts fulfil their purpose in promoting and encouraging the documentary. If these types of media texts did not exist, the general public would not be informed of many TV shows, films and documentaries.
  • The feedback suggests that the respondents have recognised who the documentary is aimed at, primarily teenagers and parents through both developing and challenging typical codes and conventions.
  • Finally, it has been confirmed with 25 respondents agreeing that the product fulfils the purpose of informing and educating the general public. It is also said that the product presents a two-sided, balanced debate, which in the proposal that I created in the research stages, was the aim of the documentary.

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