Thursday 16 February 2012

Production of Ancillary Text

For the second ancillary text, I have chosen to complete a double page spread of a TV magazine, accompanied by my documentary as the featured article. My product conforms to the specific codes and conventions of a TV guide, with the purpose of informing the audience. The featured article, which in this case is my documentary, needs to be appealing to the demographic audience of both teenagers and parents. Underneath demonstrates the process I undertook in order to create one of the auxiliary texts:

Firstly, using my research of TV guides, I have tried to create an easily accessible layout for the reader, by using colour, an image and different sized fonts. The featured articles which I have researched include a dominant image, providing an insight into the programme/documentary being advertised, as shown above. The scheduling details, for example, date and day of the week, are essential and often in a larger font, therefore certain aspects of my product conforms to the typical conventions.

This shows the production stages of creating the ancillary text. I have started to write the featured article regarding my documentary, in order to provide an insight into the final product.

As I finished the scheduling details and descriptions of each television shows, using specific colour schemes associated with certain channels, I realised that the "pick of the day" icon will not be able to remain in the original place. I have also made the page numbers smaller in order to fit with the rest of the page.

As I referred to my prior research, I discovered that the articles publicising certain TV shows are often in boxes, therefore I created a border using the "rectangle shape" tool. In addition, I implemented some professional-looking features including, a '5 star' rating, the magazine's website and the dates of the magazine. These aspects all contribute in making the final product appear more aesthetically pleasing. Originally, this was my final version, however after showing my target audience, they advised me on some changes to improve the product.

Using the advice from my target audience, I increased the spacing between the article to maximise the use of the space. As a consequence, this appears more professional and appealing to the reader. In order to add a more sophisticated image, I have included a sponsor, "Honda", commonly featured in most channel 4 documentaries.

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